Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Special Olympics

Hi! My name is Hannah Oakley and I am a senior at Muskingum University. I am currently studying Special Education and I am also a part of the Women's Basketball team. The first article that I would like to share is about the Special Olympics giving you just a few interesting facts on what it is and how it works, as well as how it is funded http://www.athens2011.org/en/special_world.asp. This website talks about all the information that goes along with the Special Olympics. The article that I showed just gives you a brief idea of what the Olympics is about. I think that the Special Olympics is a great thing for our world of young children with disabilities as well as any aged person.


  1. That's a great organization. Do the student athletes at Muskingum volunteer with them?

  2. Hey Hannah! It's Megan. I just wanted to tell you I will be following your blog and I'm looking forward to reading your future posts. Although I am planning on teaching high school math, Special Education is something that all teachers must consolidate into their classrooms no matter what subject.
